We are week two into National Employee Wellness Month. And I would say we are off to a good start. The month is already full of a range of activities all connected in some way or another to Health and Wellness. Today at PennFoster we hosted a morning breakfast to sample good foods that would be considered as part of a healthy start breakfast. Earlier in the month we planted a 3,000 square foot urban garden at our Scranton campus. Our team has been outside walking more, eating better and creating physical challenges for each other to do. We are using this month as an opportunity to set a good example for all to follow. Truth be told we often know what the right thing to do is and now we are giving each other an opportunity to try it out and see how it feels. For example, the focus this morning on eating well was fun as we noticed our teammates reading ingredients, thinking about what to eat, and asking lots of questions about the nutrition profile of the food choices that we provided
Here is the key point – just like THPL, living “better” or differently is about making choices. How to spend time, be engaged, eat, be active – they are all up to us how we choose to do them. Our emerging point of view is that the choices will, if made with care and knowledge, enable us to do more, to be different and to have new capabilities and therefore take on new challenges. For example, later this week five members of the PennFoster team will set out to run a 194 mile relay around much of Lake Ontario. The team will be able to take on this challenge because of the way that they trained and lived. We will, for sure, post in the blog on their progress and find out for them what it was like to push themselves to do such a feat.
I am told that upon their return there are others who have lined up a few new and interesting challenges that members of the team are planning to take on. We are not sure what they will be but we are certain that each and every one of them will prove that we “can do more than we think we can”.
Loving life and the journey we are on with THPL