Midway - 2014

So far 2014 has been a great year for THPL.  Lots more members, more achievements and a lot more activity.  Can it be that we are already halfway through 2014?  Is it me… or is the time going by faster and faster. I have a theory – if you create big/reach goals then time goes quicker as you need as much time as you can to hit your goals.  When you are active, and engaged, and focused on goals and outcomes the time just clips by.  So, how is your year going?  Have you made time to do a midyear check-in?  I think it is fun and scary – what did I get done and what did I miss.  No shame in a miss – just give some sincere thought about the reasons why.  You can only learn from it. 

My results are mixed so far this year – lots of change (mostly job related) – if I had a goal of total air miles and number of places visited I would have exceeded by a far margin.   So far 60,000 air miles in less than three months…..  But I digress

Life –

Do more with the Blog – Good news – with the help of a great designer I am in the process of designing a web site for the Blog.  Not sure how quickly it will get done but the process has started

Yoga – My goal was to go to Yoga at least once a week.  – Big Fail – I will leave it as a goal but realistically it is not happening now

Coaching – This continues apace.  My trainees are doing great and accomplishing a lot so far this year. 

Learning –

Watch twenty videos a week by smart people. Still averaging about 10 a week.  The videos I really like now are on the YouTube channel – This Week in Startups.  Many of them are 90 minutes long. I am learning a lot from them and loving it

Deepen my knowledge of nutrition and its role in high performance. – I have been trying a few new approaches and it seems to be working.  I give myself a plus on this one,

Fitness –

A marathon a month – YTD I have run seven marathons so I am one ahead of schedule  - YEA!

Pullups - Do 100 pull-ups in less than eight minutes. My attempts so far have me at 8:40 –more work to do.  And I am tracking ahead of schedule on my year-end goal of 25,000 pull-ups with 13,376 pullups so far year to date

Running – Earlier in the year I upped my goal to 3,500, YTD I have run 2,152 and I am past my half-way to the yearly goal.  I am feeling good and building up my mileage to get me ready for the 100 miles in Leadville in August.  More to come on this.

Loving life, and looking forward to the second half of 2014

