Our Voice

Living THPL comes with many moments of choice, many that are accompanied by challenge, intensity and significance.  Choice occurring when moving from one level of performance to another or when different paths could be taken as they represent legitimate options moving forward.  The choices range from how to recover from an injury, to what book to read next, to which school to go to. And there are times when we seek out help and assistance in navigating these challenging moments when the path forward is not perfectly clear.  And sometimes when we do seek out input what we get back is not exactly what we thought we should hear.  The advice seems trite or lacking of substance or might even feel old and hackneyed.  It is at these moments when we have to look inward to see what we think, how we feel, what makes most sense for us individually.  And if it turns out that our decision is in conflict with what the “expert” told us to do yet we believe strongly we have a better path forward, it is at this moment that we need to dig deep and trust our own experience, our own instinct, our own point of view. We need to do this because, without explicitly knowing it, while we have been on our THPL journey, we have built up quite a bit of expertise and intimacy with who we are and how THPL plays out for us.  And thus it is – when a new level is to be achieved, when we need to do something very different, when we are ready for new challenges, it is at this moment when we make the decision to navigate forward using what works best for us – Our voice. 


Loving life and trusting my voice


