Peanut Butter Cookie Day


I suppose the only thing better than a PBJ sandwich is a peanut butter cookie.  And who would have known that June 12 is peanut butter cookie day.  The peanut butter cookie was invented in the 1910′s, when George Washington Carver published a peanut cookbook in an effort to promote the crop.  In the cookbook titled, “How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption,” Carver included several cookies recipes that called for chopped peanuts.  Peanut butter as an ingredient was added to recipes 20 years later along with the fork marks that are associated with the cookie today. 

I just wrote about peanut butter and our love of this creamy sensation.  We know by how much of it is sold in and around us that there it has a big and strong following – so -  in the spirit of THPL I see the peanut butter cookie as an opportunity to give us the chance to eat more peanut butter but in a different form.  There are so many versions of peanut butter cookies that I am sure there is one that just about anyone would like  - there is the peanut butter chocolate chip, the peanut butter thumbprint with Hershey kiss and the salted double chocolate peanut butter cookie.   Makes me hungry just writing about it.  I will make sure to mark June 12 in my 2015 calendar, I suggest you do as well.

Loving life, especially with a peanut butter cookie in my hand.

