Places I would Like to Go

 We have just about one more month left till the “un-official” end of summer.  And what better time to think about how you want to spend the time.  Often time can go by quickly and we find that we have not done all of the things that we had planned for or are interested in.  So, how about we each pick one place to go and visit, a location that has some uniqueness to it, a place that is we have not been to and is different enough from our normal setting that it makes us feel like we have truly gone to a new place – a location that makes us pay attention and appreciate seeing something new.  Once you get there you will be so happy for having done it.  The proverbial, I wish I had done this sooner is usually uttered.

There is a double benefit from making the effort to get to some place new.  First we figure out how overcome the issues of “no time, too much to do”.  The second is that seeing new places makes us “smarter” more aware, more worldy.  Together these two benefits show us that we have a new power to get done what we want to do and we will forever be better for it.                             

Loving life as I go to new places

