The marking of September 11th brings back many memories, at a personal level and at many other levels, community, country et al. It is good for us to remember – we benefit from reflection and from shared experiences – they are the bond that glues us together. It is indeed why we spend time focused on the experience. What it does is bring us back to the feelings that we had during the event and it rem.inds us that we need to be thankful for life, for our liberty and our ability to pursue out THPL life every day.
And so it is – we like the feeling that comes from a shared experience. Good, or not, we enjoy them more and remember them longer and more vividly than any other experience. And it is with this intense feeling that life is lived.
Knowing the value of the shared experience it therefore important to seek out opportunities where you can “share” time and activity together. A few of us (five) are heading out tomorrow for an outside version of shared experience. We will send out our report tomorrow and see if indeed our shared experience meets our expectations for living at the next level.
Loving life and shared experiences