Taking a Moment

THPL teaches us to move fast, to press to new levels of performance and to seek to do it again and again.  The story goes that the Type A personality, (sometimes known as THPL) does not know how to go easy.  That we only feel good when we are pushing the limits.  We ask, what good can come of going easy?  Feeling no pain?

And so it is, that as I write this blog, I want to challenge the idea that feeling pain is the only way to succeed.  Thus, I cannot let my own advice fall on “deaf ears” and I remind myself again and again that it is important to take a moment and slow down, even if just for a bit, to give ourselves the opportunity to reflect, to examine where we are on our THPL journey.  Are you where you want to be?  Do you need to do something differently?  Is it time to press harder?  Or might a moment of respite be purposeful, that it helps you reflect, that you might grow to appreciate what you have and that you can indeed improve – just in a different way. 

Loving life, and figuring out how to take a moment

