In the world of THPL we often talk about nutrition in the context of fitness and its impact on performance. But the whole topic of food and nutrition is so much bigger. I just read a scary stat recently that we waste about 40 percent of all edible food in the U.S. That’s 20 pounds of food wasted per person per month, and plenty of that happens at restaurants. A University of Arizona study estimated that over 150 million pounds of good was lost daily in US restaurants. This happens both before the food reaches our plates, and when we don’t finish our meals.
The good news is that there is a growing movement amongst some restaurant operators to do something about this waste of food and resources. One example is at Sandwich Me In, in Chicago, they are an amazing example of really living the THPL mantra – check this out - they have gone two years without creating essentially any garbage. Basically the owner recycles everything himself and takes all the food waste to his house where he composts everything. A typical restaurant discards about eight gallons of garbage per hour. It took Sandwich Me In two years to produce that amount! Additionally according to the owner, the restaurant only uses renewable sources of energy, and serves local produce and meat. Looks like we might have found yet again that we can indeed do more than we think we can.
Loving life when living sustainably.