The other side of excuse

We all have our reasons for why we do not challenge ourselves, why we cannot get done what we set out to do, why living THPL is just not for us.  And for sure we can all understand the realities of life.  There is no judgment passed when someone makes an active choice about how to live his or her life.  That stated I think it is important to hear about people who have overcome obstacles and have accomplished more than most.  Lisa Smith-Batchen is one of these kinds of people – she is truly an amazing person.  She had a tough start – she grew up in a household defined by fighting, alcohol, depression, substance abuse and anorexia.  Lisa, though, did not let her tough life to stop her from becoming one of the great ultra runners and charity leader in the US. 

Here is a list of some of her accomplishments – 90 marathons, five Ironman championships, dozens of ultramarathons (winning some of the toughest of all time), six expedition length adventure races and a 50 miler run in 6:42 hours.  Now she is focused on charity runs.  In 2010 she ran 50 miles in each of the 50 states in 62 days raising $1million and to date she has partnered with Sister Mary Beth Lloyd to raise $7.5million for charities focused on children in need.  She is a  true inspiration.

I suppose we can still have our reasons (excuses) for not doing more but it is a bit harder to have them when you think about what Lisa overcame to accomplish so much and to give so much to others.  She is a great example of how to live and role model indeed.

Loving life when inspired by others

