The phrase “the second wind” started to be used, as far as I can tell sometime around 1895. Its first known use was applied to runners who seemed to be too tired to continue in a race - then they would all of a sudden get a surge of energy and finish the race strong.
The second wind phrase coming from the imagined new breath that befell the runner and the positive benefit they would get from this phenomenon. Years have gone by and we use this interesting play on words to signify a renewed ability to continue in an effort – yes, sometimes a race or run but often times applied in other contexts like on long drives, late night studying, and working the overnight shift. I dare say that for those of us who have pursued THPL in earnest we have needed, on more than one occasion, a second wind (and maybe even a third) to be able to get through a tough period of time. And so, then what is this “second wind”? Is it physiological? Or psychological? Or maybe a bit of both? After pushing myself hard for many years my conclusion is that yes, it is part physical, but more than anything it is mental. It comes out when you need it and it stays with you till you get through a rather tough period. But I think there is a bit more to this post….
With much practice in this area and having made some progress towards THPL I have come to the conclusion that I consciously rely on the second wind being there for me – to help me get me to my goal. I am now at a point that I expect it and depend upon it. So, then, this leads me to one more thought about this simple, yet, complex topic. Here goes - THPL is one that pushes the envelope. It requires more than one might normally do, it challenges you to go to the next level and it draws you into situations that take more than our normal output to succeed. Yes, you put yourself in that position. And whether you realize it or not you have to find a way to get access to the latent potential that resides inside you - you need to get to it so that you can deliver – and when you are not sure of where that potential is or how to get to it….you rely on your second wind.
The translation goes like this. The goal is high, you believe there are no constraints to achieving it, yet you are not sure how to get there till you start. So, you set out and iterate and iterate and you get smarter, better and more capable. But you tire – you try everything, coffee, sugar, pulling your hair, yelling - nothing works – then all of a sudden the second wind kicks in, why? Simple, you decided not to quit. The only constraint to achieving success is quitting before you are done. And so, what the second wind actually is – is you deciding that you want to continue on – that you do not want to quit – that in spite of everything you are going to succeed. Once you get there your mind winds you up and your body follows and along with it comes the second wind!
Count on it – the second wind is there whenever you need it, just like it should be on the path to THPL.
Loving life, second wind and all
Sally and the second wind - doing pushups after 11 pm requires a second wind, that is for sure. Sally again +20, with a 215 on the 4:17 song. progress one pushup at a time.