The Time for Giving

There are truisms that apply to THPL just as they do to life in general.  And it would seem only logical, then, that when a point of view is agreed upon and easy to understand (a truism), that action will be taken and excuses will be ignored.  But we know that this is not the case, that good ideas are not universally agreed up or acted up.  The simplest example of this is during the holiday season we are all reminded to “give” to those of less fortune but it does not happen as frequently as it should.  To give of our time, our wallet, our love, or our thoughts, it would appear that it is easy to deliver on this most basic of ideas. 

Rather than try to figure out the “why” it does not happen uniformly, it is better that, we of the THPL community, commit ourselves to help others this holiday season.  We have three weeks to “surprise and delight”, to give of ourselves so that others can share in what we have and feel better about their life as a result of our gifts of time, love and material goods. 

Twenty days till Christmas Day – can you think of giving something every day for the next 20 days?  It could be as simple as a smile and a hug or it could be putting food on the table of others who have none – you get to choose.  This could be the most fun holiday season we have ever had.  THPL takes it to the next level.  The Time for Giving is on and we are going to have a lot of fun! 

Loving life and giving over and over again



Photo Credit: Kalexanderson Compfight cc