THPL Friends

 When we think about THPL there is a very strong linkage that is both explicit and assumed between you and the community that you are part of.  And my assumption is that you are both inspired by and motivated by what you see your friends and community members doing in their pursuit of THPL.  The issue is that sometimes we get too busy and we miss what is going on around us.  We isolate ourselves in the involved lives that we live.  And because of this we need to think more about how can reach out beyond ourselves so that we can draft off our friends and the way that they live their THPL lives.  The challenge is then to make enough time in our lives to stay close to the accomplishments and results that our friends put up on their THPL scorecard.  We need to watch what they do, cheer them on, celebrate them and then be inspired by them and reminded that we always need to prioritize our THPL activities and then execute them.

Loving life with a THPL friend nearby

