
We all know that food is central to the idea of THPL.  As the saying goes, we are what we eat.  And when we eat “well” we can perform well.  And while there are a lot of different views on the foods we should eat from the vegan diet to the Paleo diet there are a few other factors to consider as we eat the foods that we do.  There are a growing number of socially responsible food companies, from farmers to packaged food companies who have a strong core value system as the foundation for what they do and it is just plain awesome to support them.  Being the big peanut butter eater that I am it was quite satisfying to find Yumbutter who has figured out that you can sell great tasting peanut butter and have a deeper social mission.  Here is their mission:

We aim to bring more goodness into everyday lives.  We believe that eating nutritious, life-giving food is directly related to health.  That’s why we are focused on four foundations:

1.    Delicious food that is clear, fun and fair

2.    Openly sharing about holistic health.

3.    Growing compassion by serving others (see BuyOne:FeedOne)

4.    Supporting organics and creating a more ethical supply chain.

We call this Holistic Responsibility. With our dreams well underway, we’re here to help you achieve yours.

What is really cool is their BuyOne: FeedOne initiative.  Its goal is to create lifesaving impact. So, every time you buy a jar of Yumbutter, you’re directly helping to feed a malnourished child in the developing world. Currently, they purchase a RUTF (ready-to-use therapeutic food) for every jar you buy. What a wonderful foundation for a most remote, yet impactful version of THPL

We need to find more companies like this one and more product that is indeed a platform for health around the world.  What more can we ask for!

Check them or buy some of their amazing product! 

Loving life and eating more peanut butter!

