Being Supportive

I am quite confident that when you live a life like THPL suggests that you will find yourself and the decisions that you make, relative to how you live, challenged and questioned from time to time.  We could hope, that more people would understand, that living the THPL life is a good way to live, but the practical reality of life puts us on the outside when are different.  We realize this, and we press forward, we do not allow the difference of opinion or others behavior to be a reason to stop living our own version of THPL.  And since we have a good sense of what it is like to he “alone” on a journey and how helpful it is when we get good and solid support we should take the opportunity to go out of our way to support others when they make decisions that are of their own doing, and when it appears that their drive is to make a personal attainment real and a way of life we need to be even more supportive. 

So, do not ask silly questions – like, “why do you do that”?  Rather we should applaud their commitment to live life as they want, we should tell them that what they are doing is admirable and tell them that they are doing a great job.  Simple, yet, thoughtful ways to interact and be supportive. They go a long way, and for sure will be appreciated by anyone that you say them to.

Loving life even more when I am supported