At this time of year, as we slip from long days to longer and darker nights, we are challenged more and more if we want to be outside. It is quite unfortunate that when you do decide to go out for a ride, a run or a walk that your primary worry relates to whether someone will see you or not in the darkness. is about will someone see me. And without the proper gear, lights, or reflective clothing it becomes more and more dangerous. Now with the help of an innovative fabric, Sugoi is selling the Zap Jacket, a water- and windproof shell with built-in luminescence. The key to the visibility is a proprietary textile Sugoi calls Pixel, a polyester-polyurethane blend onto which tiny glass beads are silkscreened. The beads are so small that you don’t notice them in daylight. But in the dark when light strikes them, the glass fragments reflect like an array of tiny mirrors, causing the entire jacket body to glow bright white. You cannot imagine how much safer it feels to be outside when your entire jacket body glows bright white. Check out the following video if you want to see how you can bring your THPL life outside regardless of conditions – life enabled by gear! How fun is that!
Loving life when glowing in the dark