Start the Year in Review

 I am sure that many of us will feel that the year went by quickly, how is it that we only have two weeks left in 2014.  I feel that the faster the year goes by the better the year has been.  And so before the year fades into 2015 it is important to do our year in review.  How did we meet our THPL goals?  What went well, what would we improve, how satisfied are we in achieving our goals.  If you start thinking about it now it gives you two weeks to make sense of the year.  You might want to seek input, do self-reflection, even write down your review and put it down for a few days and then look at it with less passion than when you wrote it.  The bottom line is that the year in review process is as important as the goals and the accomplishments.  Give the review the time it deserves and it will help you think about what goals you would want to set for 2015.   Enjoy….

Loving life thinking about my 2014 accomplishments