Three Pillars of Light

There are some parts of the THPL journey that are easy to grasp as they are tactical and tangible.  They fit into some form that is familiar to us.  This is good because it allows us to know when we reach/touch them.  And then there are the other parts of the journey that are more about feeling, they are about the essence of something, they are ethereal and even at times hard to describe.  Fulfillment is a good example of this.  It is hard to describe, yet we can feel it.  It is, I believe, part of what makes life so interesting.  It all cannot be explained simply – or maybe even at all. 

An interesting example of the hard to comprehend are the Three Pillars of Light.  They are images / photos taken by the Hubble Space telescope of three towering columns of gas bathed in the light of hot, young stars.  Discovered 25 years ago and revisited this week (on the 25th anniversary of the Hubble) they are 6,500 light years away and represent in some ways the beginning of creation and destruction.  What they are exactly I will leave to the scientists but the idea that we can even see something so far away is mind-boggling and that it might represent how the universe came to be even more so.  Looking at the pictures defines awesome. 

Loving life, when stretched to see that which is not so easy to comprehend