Never Doubt a WInner

 As members of this small but growing community that we call THPL we often look for high performance role models  - those people who live THPL as it should be lived with no excuses and results as their true measure of success.  And I think I have found one, Lindsey Vonn of American skiing fame.  On Monday of this past week she won her 63rd race and became the best women skier of all time.  Now that would be remarkable in and of itself but Lindsey did this after, for all intents and purposes, being counted out of contention due to two serious knee injuries and other challenging personal issues. 

 She never, though, let any issue get in the way, she rehabilitated her knees, got back to top physical form (it took two years) and then sharpened up her mind so that she could be the worlds best for yet another time and another time.  It would have been so easy to go out of the sport with the second most wins of all time but Lindsey told everyone she never stopped believing in herself.   And therein lies the THPL attitude.  She willed it to be, she chose the path of the winner and worked to make it so.  Yes she was talented and was a prior world champion but she never left what happened in the past to be enough – she made sure that she kept, that which she controlled (her mind), sharp and focused on being the best.  And so she did.  All should be impressed and the next time an issue gets in the way of your pushing to the next level just do what Lindsey did and make it your life’s mission to take the next win, regardless of circumstance.

Loving life, while learning from the best.