The flight of the bumblee

On our THPL journey, I imagine that there has been at least one time that each of us has heard the story of the bumblebee.  Apparently, the bumblebee weighs too much for their wings to carry them forwards   Funny thing is that no one told the bumble bee that it was not possible to fly.  And so they seem to have done what we all need to do.  Make the improbable, the impossible, possible.  So how about for today and tomorrow and for as long as we go on our THPL journey that we take advice from the bumblebee – we just go and do it.  We give it our best and we try that which we thought not possible.  I imagine that most times you will be able to achieve your goal and that when it is a bit hard on that pathway, just stick with it a bit longer and amazing things will happen.  Yes, I am certain of it – I have seen it happen, personally, many, many times….                 

Loving life, when taking advice from bees