Cognitive Enhancement

There is a lot of science being played out relating to the topic of cognitive enhancement.  Essentially trying to figure out if we can improve brain function through drugs or some other form or intervention.  And while that all sounds interesting, maybe even scary, the THPL view of cognitive enhancement is that our focus on Life Learning and Fitness, with very explicit actions taken can drive a natural improvement in cognition.  The areas of focus, that we have distinct control over, that can have an impact are: 

  • Nutrition – what we eat matters – just think, the brain needs calories (about 500 a day) to run - the quality and quantity of the calories you ingest will affect your thinking, that is for sure
  • Exercise – Increased blood flow improves brain function and memory capture and recall.  Doing it daily amps up the brain and has significant collateral benefits
  • Meditation – calming and making peace with the mind allows brain function to be optimized
  • Learning  - new information makes us want more information and the cycle perpetuates – practice makes perfect and the brain gets stronger with every learning cycle
  • Rhythm – make sure to feel something that makes you want to move – the combo helps keep the blood flowing to the brain and it makes us want to move, which is critical to rounding out cognitive thinking

This framework is not meant to be perfect or all knowing.  It is just one way of thinking about how to improve cognition – we can do it – we might as well get to it because when we do the THPL comes to life better and different than previously imagined.

Loving life with my brain dialed in...