The Mill

You would think that the THPL journey is all about being outside and I do think that much of what we do on our journey should happen as close to nature as is possible.  But there are times when machines like the treadmill (the mill) can really be used to our advantage.  You can think of the treadmill as your indoor option, your pacer, your interval machine.  Or it can be the place you go to watch TV or videos, the place to practice pacing, to see what it is like running uphill or even walking at a modest place.  You might consider the treadmill your best running partner ever – never says no, goes at whatever pace you want, stops and starts when you want and is always there for you.  Yes, the treadmill can be an integral part of our THPL journey, we just need to embrace it and make it work – yes, that’s the idea.

Loving life, mile after another