2 pm

With the release of the Everest movie I am reminded of how important it is, in very challenging situations, to make decisions and to stick to them.  The rule of Everest is that, on the push to the summit, no matter how far up the mountain you are, you turn around at 2 pm.  The 2 pm cutoff is a well thought out strategy for survival.  That if you turn around at 2 pm you most likely can make it back to camp before something bad happens.  And when you mess with the rule of 2 pm the consequences can be grave. 

On our THPL journey, I am confident that there will be instances when we go against our better judgment and we reconsider the good guidelines that we set before we started on a part of our journey.   It does not have to be climbing a mountain; it can be a business decision, an athletic pursuit, a negotiation perhaps, where you set some rules and guidelines to follow and in the heat of the moment you ignored your own guidance and succumbed to the situation.  The consequences might not be as “dramatic” but the point is the same.  What we need to do is to decide on how to “act” before we are in the “heat of the moment” and then follow through.  More likely than not we will be happier with the outcome as our decision process (before) is driven by our logic and experience not just emotion.  Just something to consider – yes, 2 pm is indeed the time to turn around and head back to camp……

Loving life, at 2:01 pm