Avoid your Strength

Everyone who is on the THPL journey is really good at something – a great runner, a great thinker, a great leader, a great writer and for as long as they are on the THPL path this will continue- the foundation is deep and it does not go away.  And so the challenge for us is to figure how we go at developing those elements of THPL that we are less “good” at.  The biggest obstacle to doing this is avoiding that which we are really good at.  This is hard because the feedback we get, the good feelings that success gives us and the progress we have made are all of the reasons why we love the THPL life.  Alas, though, that is the easy way out and we collectively do not really want “easy”.  So, it is indeed time to figure out how to break the pattern of success, avoid focusing on our strength and start working on developing other dimensions of our THPL life.  It will be hard to do this for many reasons but the reward, ultimately, will be great.  First step – select the area of focus (weakness) – Second step – build the plan- Third step – just start doing it – put the same level of effort that you did into building your strength and for sure this will create remarkable results

Loving life, when focused on building new strengths