Dwell on the Beauty of Life

Here is our challenge – we go with purpose on our THPL journey, we tick the boxes, we improve in all categories of Life, Learning and Fitness and somehow, along the way miss the “beauty of life.  So, we need to raise the bar for ourselves – we need to challenge ourselves to take in all that is around us, to appreciate…. the sunrise, the mist off our breath, the rocks on the trail, the magic of the rain storm, it is ours to notice, to appreciate, to reflect on.  The challenge that we need to take on is to endeavor to dwell on the beauty of life.  To stop and observe, to think and reflect, to embrace and value, all that is around us.  We cannot get lost in the concrete jungle – we have to free ourselves and our minds to look for it, to grab it and to dwell on the beauty of life till it is in our fabric and our souls.  This is an easy one – let’s go do it and see how much better life gets when we indeed dwell on the beauty of life.

Loving life, with the beauty of life all around