THPL did not have a big fitness week but it did have a very big learning week. And since THPL is all about Life, Learning and Fitness it is great to drink from a fire hose of ideas, insights, and possibilities. It is said that the prime minister of India sees the Indian formula as IT +IT =IT. That is Indian Talent + Information Technology = India Tomorrow. Wow, is he ever right. I felt and saw ideas and innovation at every turn. Smart people building solutions for a future state, one that might seem incongruous with the state of the masses but necessary for the future growth of the world and this country. To grow we have to look beyond, to learn we have to see a world of potential, and to live we have to feel that there is hope and hope comes from innovation which, for the most part, will come from technology. And where better than from a land of 1.2 billion amazing people who have IT in its DNA. It might be that this will indeed be the heart of innovation for the next generation – I for one, will enjoy watching, and benefiting from this amazing potential
Loving life, because others are going to help make it so....