Make it Better

Have you ever noticed that when you see a new version of something, that you stop for a moment and think, wow, I did not think you could make this better.  Again and again, though, in all parts of our life we find the next “better” version of our favorite product – Patagonia even calls it the “better sweater”.  This week I saw the next version of the smart watch that has gesture capability built in – you can ditch the computer mouse and use your watch-enabled hand to move the cursor and so much more (the product is called the Hug watch from Hug Innovations).  And so I was thinking that with THPL being founded on the principal of improvement that maybe we should each take on something in our lives that we can make better.  It could be anything, no guidance required, just define the “better” state and then start working towards it.  We know, that there is no constraint in being able to achieve better – just a sincere desire to work in that direction.  Feels sort of good to think about it that way!  I can just make it better – then, well, I should do that.   Yes, make it better……. Have fun – this one is quite exhilarating

Loving life, as I make it better and better