No visible signs of progress

It is bound to happen.  We are on our THPL journey and we feel like we have plateaued.  For whatever reason we do not feel like we are making progress.  There are no visible signs, speed, knowledge, insight; nothing “big” is there.  And we start to doubt whether our efforts are producing results.  It is the proverbial moment of truth.  What do we do – do we press forward – do we stick to the plan, continue on the journey?  Rather than trivialize this moment it is important to dig in and get a better understanding of what is going on at this time.  In fact the more we dig in, the more we find out that this is really part of the natural growth process – sort of like the bamboo tree that stays underground for a long time and then when it breaks ground it grows very fast.  The same is true for us – we have to put in a lot of foundation work to build to the next level and we need to stay patient when it hurts more than it feels good.  So, at these moments we need to listen to our inner voice that knows sticking to the plan is the best and right thing to do.  No plateau or pain or distraction will take us from our appointed course.  We just have to work through the natural growth process and all will be good when we do, yes indeed

Loving life, even when I do not see the finish line