For most of the U.S the past few months have been warmer than usual. You might even say downright balmy….. or as is the case, more broadly, the weather outside has been quite tolerable for the late fall and early winter. The risk that we face on our THPL journey, though, is that the cold weather keeps us from doing what comes naturally to us – that is to go outside, to spend time under the rays of the sun with the wind in our face and the general feeling of goodness when we get fresh air and the feeling of nature collide with us. So if we find that after a few days we have spent too much time inside we just need to get up and go out. We need to find a way, that after work we can spend time outside and to “round it out” we need to start our day with the wind in our face, the breeze pulling at our soul and the feeling of “alive” that embraces us when we spend time outside
Loving life, whenever I am outside