We all know that one of the best ways to improve our performance while on our THPL journey is to use a coach. A coach can provide dispassionate advice and an objective view of performance and give us guidance and instruction for how to improve, either quantitatively or qualitatively. We just need to use the advice, take it seriously and then watch the results come along. And to this point as each of us spend more and more time on the THPL journey we are becoming better able to coach, even if it is in an informal way. We can share what we have learned, provide advice and support and then provide feedback when the time is appropriate. By giving time to those around us we are perpetuating and supporting the life we have all come to know and love. And it is this giving back that is so important to the vibrancy and value of the THPL journey. Let’s each find someone to “coach” in 2016- we will, for sure, enjoy it!
Loving life, when I am coaching