Take a hard look

2015 is coming to a close and the THPL journey is as relevant, and appropriate, and compelling as it was at the start of the year.  And as well meaning as we all were throughout the year I am confident that upon reflection we might find some room for improvement, a few opportunities where we could have executed better, a couple of times when we forgot how powerful THPL is when we execute well. So, with less than a week till the start of 2016, the next chapter in our THPL story, what are we ready / willing to change?  How will we be different next year?  Maybe we need to take a moment to reflect on how well we did sticking to our goals and how we can do better next year.  What specifically are we willing to commit to, to change, to modify so that we can take our THPL game to the next level.  Life, Learning, and Fitness done better  - seems like a good goal for 2016.  Yes indeed….

Loving life, when I know I can do better