The holiday season is all around us and there are temptations galore, we can eat more, exercise less, spend more, do just about anything that can take us off our THPL journey. And while it might be reasonable to assume that we can resist temptation, what might be harder to do, at this time of year is to relax and enjoy all that we have to be thankful for. We rush around so much and get caught up in the commotion of the moment that we often forget how good life is, how fulfilled we are, and how fortunate we find ourselves to be with a host of blessings and an endless number of opportunities to live bigger, better and / or deeper. And so if we pause and realize we are missing the moment….maybe it is time to take to breathe deeply and relax, and appreciate what we have, and how good life really is. It might even be good to do this every day. Imagine how life would be like if we started every day relaxed and appreciative for our THPL life and journey. Yes, indeed it would be a great place
Loving life, when I stop for a moment to appreciate all that I have