We might think that the push to do more, to reach for personal fulfillment would come from those who always want to overachieve. For sure, though, THPL and our journey are not the sole purview of type A personalities. And it is not volume and or quantify alone that is the secret to making more happen. Actually there is a well-proven alternative to the high volume approach. It turns out that activities with high intensity followed by solid periods of recovery can often provide the best improvement of performance over time. Seems the, body and the mind, react well to big stresses, and they build a level of growth and resiliency into our system when big efforts are combined with quality periods of rest. We all know that we can push hard for a while, and then again, and again, but we also know we need good solid rest in between. So it turns out that improvement is indeed as much physical as it is mental. So, maybe life is better thought of as bunch of hard sprints and good breaks instead of a one marathon after another. Worthy of serious consideration, I would think…..
Loving life, when going hard!
Joey g