For most of our life we seek to avoid adversity. We design systems and experiences such that we can find an “easy” or “reasonable” path forward. This is not meant to pejorative, rather recognition that our lives have become rather manageable. It seems, though, that if you have chosen to go on the THPL journey that before long you get tired and bored with a “stable state” and then we start to seek out something different, something that has adversity designed into the experience. Something that leaves us with a unique experience that came from overcoming challenges, obstacles, and the unknown. Adversity not only makes us better it pushes our mental and physical boundaries. Once found, adversity is sought out the next time. We seem to look for the sub zero temps and the 40 mile an hour winds, throw in a bit of cold rain and we have a built in story to tell. What would life be without a good dose of adversity? And so if you find that it is not coming your way – see it out – take the hard road, and smile all the way the way to a better and better life
Loving life with obstacles in the way