Don’t Just Read About It

It takes a lot of effort, a lot of time and a lot of energy to get out and see the world, to meet people and to experience life outside of our normal and proscribed routine.  And because of this we often default to a set of reasons (excuses) as to why we do not make a visit to a new place or to see people far away.  Thirteen days into my twenty-one day trip I can confirm, conclusively, that getting out to see and meet people, for business (or pleasure) is worth every ounce of effort, every moment of time and every struggle along the way.  The world is as same as it is different and the feeling (and knowledge) that you get from hanging out with new people, in different cultures and different geographies cannot be underestimated.   It just makes you more alive, especially when challenged to fit in.  Being away from “home” makes you more aware of “how” to communicate and “how” to slow it down.  It makes you listen and be patient and it reminds you that every good relationship is founded on respect and starts and ends with acknowledging your appreciation for the local culture and people. 

So when you are on your non-local THPL journey and you get where you are going, embrace the local ways, ask how to do things, follow the lead of the locals and leave preconceptions behind.  And the more you do it the better you get at it.  It might even get so good that “work” days feel like vacation days and that every day is a true moment of amazing opportunity to live,

Loving life traveling around the world….