From the Side of Positive

What I like about people in the THPL community is that they take on the challenges of life and the THPL journey with vigor, determination and good attitude.  They fully expect that steps along the way will be hard.  It is what, in fact, we seek out.  I think it is why we are generally positive about life, we embrace it for what it is.  And as much as we want to be with our THPL brethren all the time, there are some times when we can end up with people who have not made a choice to live the THPL.  And it seems that when you spend time with them you notice that they are very good at telling you all of the things that they do not like, the “bad” things in life, the things we should not do and on and on…  After a while it gets tiring to listen to (sorry). 

It led me to thinking that we need to keep our focus on the side of positive.  Talk about the things you like.  Be enthusiastic about life and what you have – try not to focus on what you do not have.  We all have our reasons.  Maybe it is just “taste”  I don’t like brown – maybe I like blue.  So how about focusing on blue instead of brown.  You get the picture.  And from this I am going to challenge myself that when I hear the “negative rant” from others that I will tell the other side of the story, the positive, that is what I do like.  I have to believe that over time this will help me and might even help a few others who are listening.  What I know is that we all do want a positive feeling about life – maybe getting it is easier than we realize.  Maybe it is as simple as where we start and end our thinking – with good, then great, then tremendous, then remarkable…. You get the point.  Have fun being positive – not much can go wrong when you do this!

 Loving life living on the good side of positive