Fitting it In

24 hours seems like a lot of hours, for one day, but there are days when it feels like there are not enough hours to get everything that we want to get done.  It could be a function of being part of the THPL community.  Maybe we just take on too much with our mission to improve our performance across Life, Learning and Fitness.  Or is it that we just do not manage our time as well as we should.  How much “slop” time do we have in a day?  I bet more than we want to acknowledge.  So, if we know of this issue maybe we just need to be more purposeful about our goals for the day.  Maybe we just need to compromise less.  And maybe we just have to figure out how to fit in the activities that are important to us and leave the excuses to others to use.

Simple suggestion – get creative every day.  Find small breaks in your schedule to get in a read or a run.  Do not try to get it all done at once.  Smaller increments with some level of frequency can be just the approach that we need to reach our goals.  And as you go through this process keep challenging yourself to find ways to “fit it in” and “get it done”.  You will feel better about it and feel better for it.  Sounds like good enough reason for me.

Loving life as I work to fit everything into my life.