A Year in Space

Taking up a bit of “space”...as I thought of the topic for today’s blog I happened upon some of the news of the week and buried in there was a story about two astronauts, one from Russia and one from the US setting out to spend a full year in space on the international space station.  There are so many things that are interesting about this endeavor and if there were two guys living the journey of THPL it would be them.  What I like to think about is how many of the knowns and the unknowns cause difficulty for them and their situation but it is through the difficulty (* difficulty of sleeping, eating, exercising in space etc.) that much is learned.  We learn about the impact on muscle mass, strength, balance, concentration – so many basics are impacted when in space. What is interesting and applies for all of us on our THPL journey is that if you change the setting in which you normally do something then you might learn a lot about the way to think about the actions that you take.  When normal rules do not apply we have to get creative, think differently and accommodate challenges to be able to make progress or succeed.  So in addition to learning from these two very brave and interesting astronauts we should think about how we can, from time to time, change the setting in which we normally perform (like running on a trail when you normally run on the road).  From this experiment a lot can be learned.  Why not experiment a bit - give it a try.  Could be fun if nothing else.

Loving life, when in “outer space”