In a conversation with another THPL friend we were bantering back about whom is good to hang out with. What kind of people do we like to spend time with and it got me to thinking that we need to be purposeful about those with whom we spend time. It might sound a bit mercenary but a different way to look at is, we have limited time, and we might as well choose how to spend it and with whom. Now that is not to say that we always have to be with the “right people” it just means we should be thoughtful and active about the decision. And so, if we are able to make such a choice, then whom might we want to be with. It could be a person who personifies THPL or a unique individual with some unique thoughts and ideas that we could learn from. They could be a person of humility with a keen sense of their own limitations, an insatiable curiosity and an orientation to learning. We can sort of construct the “model” and to the best degree possible make our hanging out decision one of purpose. Find the right person, make sure to spend time with them, learn from them and then allow yourself the ability to do this for others. In my experience the more you put effort into this the more you will learn and make your path to THPL that much better. And lest we think this is not possible, remember that we can do more than we think we can if we put our mind to it. So, who is on our list….
Loving life, knowing that I can learn from others.