One of the great benefits of traveling around the world is meeting people of different cultures, nationalities, backgrounds and beliefs; when you do you will often find out something that heretofore you had not considered, heard of, or experienced. There are a myriad of these - there are moments of witness, there are moments of insight, or sometimes these new experiences show themselves in the form different customs and ways. And so on this trip, the THPL Life element came to “life” in a conversation with a colleague, of Chinese birth; In a passing conversation about the elements of THPL, when we discussed the importance of independence of thought and action, and the power that comes from independence he stated “you need to be comfortable with yourself in life because in the darkness even your shadow leaves you”. I was stopped in my tracks by the profoundness of the statement. It communicated so much feeling, so much insight, so much truth that it needed to be embraced. Yes indeed while on our THPL journey there is nothing more true than coming to the realization that we have to find a way to love ourselves, to believe in ourselves, to have hope in our future and so much more. When we do we are better, stronger, happier, and more fulfilled. It is at this point that all whom we interact with and the THPL community, at large, gets stronger and more vibrant. And it came to be with the simplest of steps, believing in ourselves……yes indeed
Loving life, with our without my shadow