The THPL journey, it throws in our way many obstacles, they are there because we need challenge and they are there to test our resolve and they are there because we push the limits and as such “things” just get in the way. And so, what are those “obstacles” and have we anticipated them so that they do not become a bridge to far? Do we spend enough time thinking of the distractions that in many instances are the difference between success and failure? We often have talked about being comfortable while being uncomfortable. And there is certainly a connection. When we lose control, or at least the perception of losing control, we become uncomfortable. But this is a circumstance where the discomfort can be planned for and the impact minimized by a bit of forethought.
This post is not about planning around failure, rather it is about anticipating the exogenous factors that can distract us and reduce our high performance capability to moderate (at best). So, the key is to think ahead, what could happen, how would I respond and then be ready to act with clear-headed thoughts that came from your prep. Being prepared reduces risk and steels you to stay focused on the journey and the resultant expected outcome. At some level this kind of process is “easy” – how hard is it to do a “what if” and at another level it is challenging as we need to dedicate time to think about obstacles and then practicing how we can over come them because when we do the result is that we can have the potential for a big impact on our success. So, to make sure that our THPL journey meets our expectations, we should plan for any distractions/obstacles that we might encounter along the way and be ready for them. We will just be better for it.
Loving life, when I move distractions out of the way