There are moments along the THPL journey that have great impact on each of us. Some times it is about what we have each accomplished and that is great, there is nothing like the feeling of personal accomplishment. Yet, I think, that it could be argued, it feels even better when someone else on the THPL journey, whom you have influenced, either directly, or indirectly, such that they have established their own goals and then you see them following through and executing and accomplishing more than they would have done otherwise.
And so it happened this week, it was innocent enough, a colleague of mine; in a passing conversation stated that it is his goal to lift one million kilos of weight in 2015. He told me that he had established the goal because of the way that I had established “big” annual fitness goals and he thought it would be great to be able to do the same for himself but in a way suited to his fitness interests and so he took up the idea of lifting a lot of weight in a year (which by the way is 2.2 million pounds for those not familiar with a kilogram).
What was remarkable in this instance was to listen to the way that my “buddy” was living his daily life. It was changed, in a good way. He had to plan each day to be able to get to the goal. His behavior changed, his activities were altered, he planned his travel differently – in fact, there were a series of cascading changes that he made to be able to get to the goal. He reported, proudly, that he was well on his way of accomplishing the goal and he just seemed to be more in control of his life, his demeanor was positive and he loved telling his “story”.
And so it is – the THPL journey encouraged him, because he saw the “art of the possible” and connected with it emotionally and physically. I am sure that others will see him and have a similar reaction. Our actions do have a double benefit – for ourselves and for others. We can indeed do more than we think we can and we are better than we think we are and when we hang out with others who believe this, it becomes the standard by which we think and live. Very exciting
Loving life, when others around me are living the THPL life