So much of THPL is about repetition – it is this way on purpose, the more we do something the better we get at it. And for as much as I do this with my fitness and running I also truly love a point-to-point run instead of an out and back. There is more of a feeling of adventure, a feeling that you are going somewhere under your own power – it is about exploring and seeing and it just somehow feels better. No repetition, you just see it all one time and you can truly enjoy the time on the road. Of course it requires that, at some point, you traverse back to where you started but with the run done it is ok if you take a car, bus or train. So, next time you have the opportunity look for a point to point run (walk or ride) and explore the fun of going from one place to another under your own power. Now how fun is that!
Loving life, when going point to point