Mundane – “lacking interest or excitement; dull”. Seems to me that we need to start a crusade, each of us, to eradicate the mundane from our lives. Interestingly, it seems that without a bit of effort the mundane can seep into our lives. The repetitive nature of schedules, the sameness of routine, the avoidance of risk, all can lead us to lose the excitement of life. And, I am not sure, that it is necessarily our explicit intent to end up here but when we do we get there (mundane) often we do not realize that we have. So, the “big idea” is to get ahead of it before it before it gets ahead of us.
Introduce into your life “The crusade against the mundane”. A crusade – “an energetic campaign organized to address a specific issue”. Seems that the definitional guidance is a good staring place. Put energy into a set of activities that ensure we do not become dull. Break routines, try new things, take on risky activities, meet new people, visit different places… get the message. Program any and all of these into your life, do them often, keep the energy high and the mundane has no chance of succeeding. My bet is that with this approach your version of THPL just got a whole lot better.
Loving life, when eradicating the mundane!