A lot of the THPL journey is about how we each maximize our own personal mission and vision. And we know this is a good thing, it is good because the more people who bring a holistic view to their life – with a commitment to Life, Learning and Fitness we just make for a better world. The next best thing for us to think about, beyond our inward focus, is bringing a focus on others. This can take many forms. But it first has to become equal in priority to what we do for ourselves. We need to think each day about what can we do to help and support others? Is it at a personal level? Or volunteering? Is it in the context of need or just in line with day-to-day life? It sort of doesn’t matter – what matters is that some of our focus and energy is on others and done with a sincere and committed effort. When we get to this place we truly have improved our world. Better people all around. That is something worth focusing on.
Loving life, when supporting others