Better….for sure

The cool part about the THPL journey is that you learn a lot along the way.  One of the consistent learning’s is that we can always get better.  Sometimes better is improving our actual performance and sometimes better is just executing better.  Either way it is very exciting when we see progress.  It can keep us focused and it keeps us on track.  There are some improvements, though, that show less visible improvement but they are important nonetheless.  We can certainly improve our pushup technique and get stronger as a result.  But the one that sometimes we are not as careful about is how we eat.  The food we consume has a huge impact on our overall performance and also our mindset and how we feel.  So how about focusing this weekend on eating “better”.  What is better you can certainly decide but I offer a few suggestions that just bring with them a great nutrition profile and thus are good to eat – any time.  Have fun eating “better”

1. Oatmeal
Unprocessed whole grains like oatmeal are a great source of complex carbs and oatmeal is also high in iron, vitamin B6, and soluble fiber.

2. Avocado
Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat that’s also found in olive oil and is shown to help lower cholesterol. Avocado is also very high in fiber and potassium.

3. Nut Butters
Nut butters are, for sure, my best friend. They travel well and pack a ton of nutrition they are all great sources of unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, and are high in minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and iron.

4. Chickpeas
These versatile legumes provide us with both carbohydrates and protein, along with a hefty dose of belly-filling fiber and a vegetarian source of iron.

5. Eggs
One of the highest-quality sources of protein available.  They also offer more than a dozen vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, D, E, and B12.

Loving life, when eating better