What did you do today?

Days come and go quickly when you are on the THPL journey.  We get into a rhythm that is good and productive.  The risk to this kind of life “pacing” is that you can, every once in a while, lose track of what is actually going on in your day.  Our drive to high performance can shade the other great things that are going on around us, with family, friends, co-workers, in the world, just about anywhere.  How many times did you get to the end of a ride or run and have seen nothing?  Or heard a conversation about the news and realized you had no knowledge of the events of the day.  Or hear about the latest release, a month later, of a movie you wanted to see.  The instance does not matter, you can imagine walking by a bed of flowers and missing them just as well as I can.  So, how about we stop, minimally, at the end of the day to take stock of our day, what we did, what we did not do, what we saw, what we appreciated and so much more.  My bet is that we will be pleasantly surprised when we force ourselves through this process as we will appreciate that our lives are indeed made up of both non-descript and vivid moments, each as important as the other, as we weave the tapestry of our life.

Loving life, when realizing I had a great day!