
It has been quite some time now that THPL has been a focus of mine, and our growing community, and I think it is fair to say that we are dedicated to THPL and all that it stands for.  So, then what is dedication?  In the context of THPL?  I think the traditional definition gives us a good start – Dedication is “commitment to a task and activity”.  And that does seem right – we have a deeper sense of the importance of THPL to our lives and so it is indeed something to be dedicated to – to be committed to.  Think of the groups who you know whom are dedicated.  They seem to get more done, they take seriously their commitments – they follow through, they show by example – they live the “just get it done life”.  It is a good thing.

Dedication, commitment, activity, and task….when they come together better results are created.  And it is not just about THPL it is about how we think of all dimensions of our lives, work, family, fun.  Being committed, dedicated, makes for better outcomes.  And better outcomes make for a better world.  So, maybe we should consider that we have an obligation to show others the return that comes from being dedicated.  Different outcomes, better outcomes, better world.  Yes, all possible when we take it seriously and stay dedicated to the mission, the journey, and the great results that will come. 

Loving life, when I commit to a task and get it done.


Joey g