The great thing about THPL is that it provides structure and goals for how to think about your life’s journey. The one thing that it does not do, though, is decide for you what you should do and what you choose not to do. Which leads us to the concept of prioritization – “rank things according to order of importance” – in theory then prioritization is pretty simple but in our day-to-day life it can be incredibly complex. Whenever we make a consideration relative to priority we are trading off time and importance. And since time is clearly finite we often make “time” the primary criteria. But when we do this we forget which one is the highest value or importance. There tends to be very little complete consideration on the order to do things. So, maybe we need to think about how to balance the two – maybe we need to slow ourselves down a bit and figure out what is important and do that first from time to time. We might just find out that time just became a bit less all encompassing.
Loving life, when I get the order right