The little boy in us….

There are many a day, even when focused explicitly on the THPL journey, when I wonder where the little boy in me went.  The fun loving, silly, playful, hopeful, naïve, happy, incorrigible explorer.  There was no adventure too silly, no tree too high, no dirt too dirty to play in and feel completely alive.  Time seemed to disappear and there was never an end – only another go at it…. And while there are many reasons and (*excuses) for why we can lose our boyish enthusiasm it is not ok to do so.  Life is ours to make and to our own liking.  There is no reason that we cannot resurrect that little boy (*girl) in ourselves,  it is all just part of raising our expectations for how we live and what we want to take from this life – this THPL journey.  There is so much there for us – we just need to let that little boy go and watch what happens from there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Loving life, with my pf flyers on