In search of

Ahhh, the THPL journey, a series of decisions and actions that keep us on the path to personal fulfillment.  Right?  This is what it is supposed to be like.  But all too often we lose our way, we stray from the goal, we do not get to where we want to be.  A suggestion – for most of use we have a three day weekend.  How about refelecting on our progress and secondly, asking ourselves how are we doing?  And if we do not like what we find then use this special time – this extra time to figure out how to get it back on track – to match up our goals and our actions – our reality.  There is nothing like facing our lives “head-on” – what we find and what we do about it will make all the difference in the world on how to make that THPL journey just about as good as it could be..

Loving life, when making changes.